Friday, February 8, 2013

No Name Calling Please!

One of the topics I found interesting this week was about homosexuality of all things. I know it's probably not a particular favorite of anyone, but it should not be avoided simply to spare feelings and just because you're open to discussing it doesn't mean you are in favor or against anything to do with this topic. That said let me tell you about a couple of the reasons why I found this topic interesting.
First of all I found out this week that most fathers that catch their young son playing with dolls or playing dress up automatically assume he is gay and they need to fix him. Really?!? Come on! Could we be any more close minded about this?
Secondly we looked more into the debate of whether or not you are "born that way" or if it's something you choose, I'm not going to discuss this one so much, if you have questions about it you can easily Google it and come up with enough research to keep you busy for a while.
Okay so the main reason I though this topic was interesting is because I had no idea how scared parents are that their child may be homosexual, and they base their fear off of the things they see their child doing. I listed one example already but mothers are the same way when it comes to their little girls, if the girl would rather play with legos and cars. The little boy is not feminine and the little girl is just a tomboy, there is nothing wrong with either child.

The little boy is taking care of the doll, probably imitating something he has seen his mother do and the little girl probably has brothers and just wants to play.

I don't understand the fear and close-mindedness of parents who think there is something wrong with a child that exhibits traits more commonly associated with the opposite sex. My younger brothers all played dolls with my sister and I; however they also liked wrestling with each other and playing alien killing video games. My younger sister likes sports and video games, but she also likes playing with barbies and looking cute. It is perfectly natural for kids to want to play with the "other" toys.  Don't assume you know what's going on inside your child's head, they are going to turn out just matter how they choose to live.

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