Saturday, February 23, 2013

Marriage and Babies. Ummmm...yeah I got nothing

The topics this week were all informative especially because I have absolutely no experience in either category. There were a few tips and tricks we discussed that I found educational and not the least bit surprising. The first was that marital satisfaction is at it's highest point right after the wedding. Seriously no surprises there. Especially for Mormons that don't engage in any sexual activity before marriage the "honeymoon" period of the marriage must be great in terms of marital satisfaction. ;) The next trend in marital satisfaction is that it tends to drop after the birth of each child. This is because of all the stress and extra work that comes with a newborn, plus the lack of sleep and lack of time reserved for the couple. I must say I didn't notice this trend in my parents marriage. I don't really remember the time after two of my siblings were born but I remember that after my two youngest siblings were born my parents were more tired during the day because the newborn kept them up but it didn't seem to do anything bad to their marital satisfaction. In my opinion that is because my parents had established a date  night from the beginning of their marriage. Every Friday night we were left with a sitter so our parents could have the time alone that they deserve. The final trend in marital satisfaction is that it tends to increase as each child leaves the "nest". Since I'm not at home anymore I can't tell if my parents are getting more free time since I still have younger siblings at home. They seem to be doing just as well as they always have but since I haven't asked them how their marital satisfaction is lately I'm not entirely sure. ;)
This weeks picture is inspired by two of my favorite people in the world. My wonderful parents. I hope someday I can follow their marital example!

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