Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love, Dating, and all that Jazz.

Since this week contained Valentine's Day in its midst the topic of love, dating, marriage, etc, etc, seemed to come up a bit. But since I have ZERO experience in that particular field I've decided to leave it to the experts in my parents. When I contemplate that idea of picking one person out of the 6 billion currently inhabiting this planet and then committing myself to him for time and all eternity...okay it didn't freak me out all that much until I wrote it out like that. :P Anywho when I think about that concept two things come immediately to mind. The first is something my mom has said to me on a few different occasions, "You don't marry your BOYFRIEND you marry your BEST FRIEND." and seeing as my parents were never really "together" and yet they have been married for over 26 years, I'm go with the idea that she knows what she's talking about. The second thing is something I've heard before that might sound a little weird nonetheless, "Women tend to marry their father." Like I said, it sounds a little odd until you really stop and think about it. If you grew up in a home where it is obvious your parents are happily married you tend to watch how they treat each other. What better example does a girl have for the way a wife should be treated by her husband than the girl's dad? I'll tell you, there isn't one. My dad is pretty much as good as they come. He totally and completely respects and loves my mom and it is apparent by the way he treats her. He also makes her laugh all the time and does some of the sweetest things for my mom. I seriously want a guy just like my dad! I have high standards when it comes to guys and as unfair as that may seem I know he's out there somewhere. I shouldn't have to settle for anything less than I deserve, and by golly with my cooking skills and beauty I deserve a dang good guy. Not that I'm vain or anything. ;)

This picture really has nothing to do with anything but it reminded me of my mom and cracked me up.

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